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arjournals.annualreviews.org + 3 more sources
Environmental Studies; Physics and Astronomy; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Computer Science; Science (General); Psychology; Medicine; Political Science; Sociology; Economics and Business; Anthropology and Archaeology; Social Sciences (General)
"Authoritative, analytic reviews in 37 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences"--publisher's Web site (viewed May 27, 2009).
Annual reviews (Online)
Search database:
Anthropology and Archaeology; Art, Architecture and Design; General and Reference Works
Anthropology Plus combines Anthropological Literature from Harvard University and the Anthropological Index, Royal Anthropological Institute from the UK. Anthropology Plus provides worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works, and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, and interdisciplinary studies. The index offers coverage of all core periodicals in the field in addition to local and lesser-known journals. Coverage is from the late 19th century to the present.
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Anthropology and Archaeology
Current issues of Association journals and bulletins, plus archived issues of all the Association's journals, newsletters and bulletins. Recent issues available from AnthroSource server in PDF; older issues available as images via JSTOR. Features include: searchable OCR-derived full text, email notifications of new content and article citations, dynamically cross-linked article references, personal profiles/saved searches/citation management. Journal issues generally appear online prior to distribution in print.
Search database:
Communication and Journalism; News; History; Anthropology and Archaeology; Film and Media Studies
AP Images is one of the world's largest collections of historical and contemporary imagery, with a 50 million-image print and negative archive. As an essential source of photographs and graphics for professional image buyers, AP Images strives to meet the needs of today's global customer through superior image quality, selection and service. Covers the major news events photographed from the 1840s to today.
Search database:
Ancient Greek and Roman Culture; Art, Architecture and Design; Anthropology and Archaeology; Medieval Studies
Arachne is intended to provide archaeologists and Classicists with a free internet research tool for quickly searching hundreds of thousands of records on objects and their attributes. This combines an ongoing process of digitizing traditional documentation (stored on media which are both threatened by decay and largely unexplored) with the production of new digital object and graphic data.
Arachne (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut)
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American History; Anthropology and Archaeology; Race and Ethnicity
Indexes works from the sixteenth century to the present, including monographs, essays, journal articles, dissertations and U.S. and Canadian government publications. Areas covered include native American topics and issues, including education, anthropology, psychology, political science, sociology, and legal and medical research. This bibliography, from Human Relations Areas Files (HRAF), contains the citations from the cumulative eight volumes of the Ethnographic bibliography of North America as well as additional new citations.
Bibliography of native North Americans (Online)
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General and Reference Works; Ancient Greek and Roman Culture; Anthropology and Archaeology; History; Philosophy; Medieval Studies
"The NEW PAULY is intended as an aid for the study of Greek and Roman culture and its multifaceted presence in all periods of European and, since the Early Modern period, world history"Preface.
Search database:
Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Medicine; Other; Biology; Anthropology and Archaeology; Environmental Studies
CAB eBooks provides a unique opportunity to access CABI's prestigious titles in an easy-to use format. Books are indexed and retrievable as chapters. The full front file collection is divided into six core subject collections, constantly updated with the latest titles. The six subject collections comprise: 1. Agriculture 2. Animal & veterinary sciences 3. Environmental sciences 4. Human health, food & nutrition 5. Leisure & tourism 6. Plant sciences. As of May 2009, there were over 420 titles.
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Anthropology and Archaeology; Political Science; Language; Jewish Studies; Philosophy; Sociology; Race and Ethnicity; History; Slavic and Eastern European Studies
An Internet library of scholarly and cultural publications from Central and Eastern Europe. Search articles, books, publishers, periodicals, and authors.
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Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Art, Architecture and Design; Biology; Economics and Business; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Environmental Studies; Earth Sciences; News; Medicine; History; Anthropology and Archaeology; Language; Law; Political Science; Mathematical Sciences; Statistical and Numeric Data; Philosophy; Religious Studies; Physics and Astronomy; Science (General); Social Sciences (General); Engineering; History of Science and Technology
Covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. Aims to cover all subjects and languages.
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African Studies; Anthropology and Archaeology; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies; Film and Media Studies; French and Italian Studies; Geography; Islam and the Middle East; Jewish Studies; Language; Music; Race and Ethnicity; Religious Studies; Slavic and Eastern European Studies; Social Sciences (General); Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
Intended to be a visual encyclopedia of human behavior and culture, online in streaming video. Contains classic and contemporary documentaries; previously unpublished footage from working anthropologists and ethnographers in the field; and select feature films. Includes footage from every continent and hundreds of unique cultures. Thematic areas include: language and culture, kinesthetics, body language, food and foraging, cooking, economic systems, social stratification and status, caste systems and slavery, male and female roles, kinship and families, political organization, conflict and conflict resolution, religion and magic, music and the arts, culture and personality, and sex, gender, and family roles.
Search database:
Anthropology and Archaeology; Government Information: International and Foreign
A subject and institutional repository in the field of heritage conservation (historic monuments, landscapes and sites); This open archive takes the form of an institutional repository where all the scientific documentation produced by ICOMOS will be deposited and centralised. It also serves as a subject archive open to the international scientific community in the field of cultural heritage conservation. The ICOMOS Open Archive is open to all international, national, regional organizations, institutions, universities, etc from the cultural heritage field as well as to any individual professionals interested in depositing their articles and publications in the archive. Earliest publication is from 1965; with current content being added daily
Search database:
Anthropology and Archaeology; African Studies
Index to the Pan-African periodicals La Revue du monde noir, Le Iégitime défense, L'Étudiant noir, Tropiques, and Présence africaine, and to the quebecois journal Liberté.
Search database:
Race and Ethnicity; American History; History; Anthropology and Archaeology; Environmental Studies; Political Science
Database indexing works on international migration and interethnic relations. Over 22,000 citations, most in French but also in English and other European languages. Sources cited include: articles, books, book chapters, dissertations and theses, conference proceedings, reports. Some links to full text. International scope.
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Anthropology and Archaeology
Thompson, Stith, 1885-1976
At the Library:
Green » HASRC (Lane Room) (Non-circulating) » GR67 .T52 ... in-library use only
Green » Stacks » GR67 .T52 ...
Search database:
Government Information: United States; Statistical and Numeric Data; Political Science; Geography; Sociology; Anthropology and Archaeology; Race and Ethnicity; Education; American History
The National Historical Geographic Information System is a project to create and freely disseminate a database incorporating all available aggregate census information for the United States between 1790 and 2000. The data being incorporated into NHGIS covers social and economic topics, such as income, education, labor, housing, elections, religion, and agriculture. When complete, NHGIS will provide data for various levels of geography. Contains aggregate census data and GIS-compatible boundary files for the United States between 1790 and 2010 including: Historical Censuses (1790-1960), Modern Censuses: Core Summary Files (1970-2010), Modern Censuses: Special & Supplemental Files (1980-1990), County Business Patterns (1974-2003), American Community Survey (2010)
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www.paleyicollection.org + 1 more source
General and Reference Works; American History; Anthropology and Archaeology; Communication and Journalism; Feminist Studies; Film and Media Studies; Government Information: International and Foreign; Government Information: United States; History; History of Science and Technology; News
Streaming video and audio for programs from the Paley Center's collection. Many programs are being added each month as the collection is digitized, which includes nearly 150,000 television and radio programs and advertisements.
Search database:
General and Reference Works; Anthropology and Archaeology; African Studies; Environmental Studies; Social Sciences (General); Sociology; Art, Architecture and Design; Engineering
At the Library:
Green » InfoCenter (Non-circulating) » HT101 .S2 ... in-library use only
Green » Stacks » HT101 .S2 ...
Search database:
Science (General); Engineering; Computer Science; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Anthropology and Archaeology; Biology; Environmental Studies
Scientific research tool on the web. With over 450 million scientific items indexed at last count, it allows researchers to search for not only journal content but also scientists' homepages, courseware, pre-print server material, patents and institutional repository and website information.
Search database:
American History; Economics and Business; Anthropology and Archaeology; Government Information: United States; Law; History; Social Sciences (General); Environmental Studies; Political Science
The bound, sequentially numbered volumes of all the reports, documents, and journals of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives constitute a rich source of primary source material on all aspects of American history. Upon completion, the digital version of the Serial set will consist of approximately 13,800 volumes and over 12 million pages." Covers 1789-1969.

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